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    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
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    OCT 2005 - JUN 2006
    Tuesday, May 30

    OKAY! More results.
    This one is 1st combined marks..

    Total marks : 607.8/900
    .Percentage : 67.5%
    .C/Position : 7/36
    ....Results : Passed
    .Attendance : 89/93
    ....Conduct : EXCELLENT

    ....English : 66.7 B3
    ....Chinese : 51.8 C6
    Mathematics : 77.9 A1
    ....Science : 65.9 B3
    ..Geography : 75.3 A1
    ....History : 73.1 A2
    .Literature : 66.1 B3
    .Home Econs : 65.8 B3
    Visual Arts : 65.2 B3
    .....C.M.E. : A

    Weight/Height Indicator : Acceptable
    Remarks : Hansel has been consistently working hard. A well behaved student with creative ideas who is a pleasure to teach!

    LOL. Okay, you must be thinking that I'm some dumbass from class now.

    Well, I'm going to do better for CA2 and SA2, have been slacking since Primary 5 till now. It's time to put some effort ^_^

    Anyway, been to Shaun's house after collecting my results.
    Result collection started at 8:30AM.
    Delayed to 9:00AM (teacher's arrival).
    Delayed to 9:30AM (students w/ parents goes first).
    Delayed AGAIN to 10:00 AM (more students w/ parents).
    Delayed YET AGAIN to 10:30AM (more students w/ parents).
    Delayed YET YET AGAIN to 11:00AM (the other students).
    Finally got my results at 11:30AM.

    Compared it with some others, wasn't surprised that Jason got 1st.
    Santosh 2nd.
    Joshua 3rd.
    Weisheng 4th.
    I don't know who's 5th.
    And 6th.
    Me 7th =)
    8th also don't know.
    Michael 9th.
    10th also dont know.

    Jason = Keep getting FIRST IN CLASS OMG. And he plays maple. Lol.
    Santosh = Suddenly shoot up from behind, backstabber >=( Lol!
    Joshua = Unbeatable, will be a competitor for many years to come.
    Weisheng = Also backstab -.-
    5th = Haiyah, this idiot infront of me.
    6th = This is another idiot too.
    7th = Me lah, what to say? Good things? ^_^ THIS IS A GOOD BOY. LOL!

    And the list continues...

    Okay, after result taking, went to Shaun's house to work out my finger muscles. YIPPIE.

    Gunz. Yeah again xP
    Then had conversations with Clare while playing, totally couldn't concentrate in the game, then I got shot HARD >_<

    At 6PM, made my way home.
    TP Central > 145 > Home.

    Going to get MSN running now, yeah.
    And changing my blog to something new soon, this design is quite boring o_o;

    That's all for today, be posting on Chalet Weekend tomorrow!

    Thursday, May 25

    Okay, here's my results.
    Dont laugh, I know I suck.

    Math : A2
    Moral Edu : A
    Geography : B3
    F&N : B3
    History : B3
    Literature : B3
    Science : B3
    English : B3
    Chinese : C6

    Look at the B3s. They're so DARN close to A2.

    Sunday, May 21

    RE: Primary School Name Change!

    I never knew my primary school had a new principal.
    I haven't gone back to my primary school since I started secondary school.
    Which means I haven't met my teachers and canteen vendors in primary school.
    I'm such a loser, right?

    Maybe it's time I paid my primary school a visit. ^o^

    Recently, from the beginning of the year till now, there has been news spreading around that St Michael's School, would be renamed as SJI (Junior) soon.

    Here's an article : Monday, May 15, 2006

    And there's another, but you have to buy today's ST Times to read it.. typing it out for you to read would be such a hassle =P
    ST Times - page 14 of News, St Michael's sells name change to its old boys

    I think St Michael's should retain its name as this name has been around for 50 years but if it changes, maybe 20 years down the road, St Michael's could be forgotten, and vanishes into thin air.
    Michaelians and Josephians are different too.
    So, St Michael's should retain its name. I hope it would.

    What do you think? Tag it :)

    Saturday, May 20

    Hi guys, it's been 4 days since I've updated.
    Well, I did some changes to my blog.

    New song!
    New background!
    Changes for tagboard!

    Will change a bit more here and there during the holidays.

    Okay, Art Exam!
    Although 2 hours is kind of long for an art exam, it wasn't enough for me.
    Well, I didn't expect to finish late, as I tried to perfect my 30-minute-sketch, which was WAY better than the final product that was drawn out.

    Quite disappointing, I'll choose simplier topics next time, I guess!

    After the exam, a few of us (my classmates), went down to Peninsular Plaza (opposite City Hall MRT and Funan I.T. Mall) LAN shop to have some fun after the exams.
    Let me name all of us : Clarence, Jeremy, Leslie, Prasad, Ryan, Shawn, Shouheng, Tinaes, Weisheng, a few others and myself.
    Then we played CS, while a few played T.D. (tower defence).
    It was fun, going to play there again!
    1 hour - $1.80. I played 4 hours - $7.20. Plus membership for a year = $2.

    Okay. That was wednesday.

    Thursday, we went out for excursion at Labrador Park. We went to the beach, a very rocky and muddy one. It was wet too. I was wearing my poor white shoes because MrBond (some O.M.) didn't allow us to open our classroom doors, so I couldn't get my sport shoes out. bah. I forgot to soak my shoes, oh no! >_<

    *runs off to soak shoes, and returns to the keyboard quickly*

    Friday, which was yesterday, was kinda boring. Spent most of the time at youtube.com searching for Maplestory movies. Haha.
    And chatting on MSN as well.

    I finished the Gunz patching torrent today, tried the new map, Lost Shrine, cool, but since my computer lags, the game pretty sucked. CS is way better. ^_^

    Blog more later la. Nothing much in memory now.

    Tuesday, May 16

    Wow. Home Economics paper ended at 8.55pm!
    Went to Macs and had BIG BREAKFAST MEAL.
    Then I got stomach ache, wthh -.-

    It's so great to be home. And *looks at the clock* it's 12.35pm already!
    So fast!
    Tomorrow got art paper. 2 hours. practical. draw shit, sleep. OMG WASTE TIME!

    Anyway, here's a recent drawing I did!
    Rate me out of 10 stars =D

    Should I do a poster, a scene drawing, or some building drawing?
    Draw Suntec, Orchard, Esplanade? ZOMG YEAH!

    Okay, going to work on art now.
    Have two books of drawing blocks, some paint which I might use, but no crayons.
    Someone lend?

    Sunday, May 14

    Hello Earthlings!
    Hansel just woke up from a nice sleep after watching Mission Impossible 3 last night.
    The show was great, the plot was good, and so action-packed!

    I love Mission Impossible shows, because I keep trembling in my seat, but maybe that's because I was cold.
    Two words to describe the show, "It's Complicated".
    Or three.

    Before watching the movie, I was talking on a conference line with Steph and Shaun, then I had to go, sadly. =/
    Then when I was there, someone called me as well. Didn't return the call, sorry =[

    Cant really remember what I did yesterday, post more later or tomorrow.
    Going to change bg music now, the La Resistance one is starting to get annoying.

    Execute. *boom* =D
    Okay okay, till here.

    Saturday, May 13

    God has smiled upon you this day
    The fate of a nation in your hands
    And blessed be the children
    Who fight with all our bravery
    'Til only the righteous stand

    You see the distant flames
    They bellow in the night
    You fight in all our names for what we know is right
    And when you all get shot
    And cannot carry on
    Though you die, La Resistance lives on

    You may get stabbed in the head
    With a dagger or a sword
    You may be burned to death
    Or skinned alive, or worse
    But when they torture you
    You will not feel the need to run
    For, though you die, La Resistance lives on

    Blame Canada!
    Blame Canada!

    Because the country's gone awry
    Tomorrow night, these freaks will fry!

    Tomorrow night
    Our lives will change
    Tomorrow night
    We'll be entertained
    An execution
    What a sight!
    Tomorrow night

    Up there there is so much room
    Where babies burp and flowers bloom
    Tomorrow night up there is doomed
    And so I will be going soon!

    Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka
    You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fucka

    Looks like we may be out of luck!

    Tomorrow night, we're pretty fucked!

    Why did our mothers start this war?
    What-the-fuck are they fighting for?
    When did this song become a marathon?

    I want to be up there!
    When Canada is dead and gone
    There'll be no more Celine Dion!

    They may cut your dick in half
    And serve it to a pig
    And though it hurts, you'll laugh
    And dance a dickless jig
    But that's the way it goes
    And in war you're shat upon
    Though you die, La Resistance lives oooooonnnnn!

    I want to be up there!
    Blame Canada!
    Blame Canada!
    Blame Canada!

    Hello all!
    I'm back for a while, I don't know till when.

    Just for those who reads my blog, or those who are going to read it, I did a new skin, and if you view my blog from IE, the background picture is actually not mine.
    It is by `Designer, and you can access her blog by going to my `Connections.

    This skin needs a little tuning up, and then I'm going to change the background picture in some time to come.

    Okay, now let me get into some reality.

    These few days, I have been on Msn, so if you want to chat, do come online! :)
    And also, I want to apologise for not being active on blogger as I have promised earlier on, to those who expect me to post.

    Yesteday, my sister and I, together with some of her friends went Ice Skating, at Jurong Entertainment Center. It was fun, at the beginning, when we just arrived and I tried to go one round.
    Once I got my balance steady, I kept going a few rounds, but then it seemed to boring already. So I stopped at the side and watched others ice skate, and my sister too.
    Following, my sister's friend, and her sister, too, came into the Ice Skating rink, and they skated.
    My sister didn't introduce me to them.

    How annoying! They didn't even come up to talk to me.
    But in the first place, I didn't go up to talk to them.
    My fault! haha.

    Ice Skating was only fun after re-surfacing, so it was smooth and easy to glide on the ice, instead of the bumpy and rough and wet ice.

    After an hour, when I returned my skates 45 minutes before time-up for the skates, because it was so boring. Then I noticed Dawn and many of her friends in the rink.
    I didn't even know they were present, then all of sudden Dawn screamed and then some of her friends were like pushing her from behind. I was standing at the counter and doing nothing then, and just looked at people ice skating.

    About 70 people were in the rink then, and it's so annoying when some children with the metal poles go anti-clockwise, causing us to lose a bit of our balance to give way, and some idiots just stop dead infront of you. Then you go crashing into them.

    I gave up and left with my sister, mum, and company.
    Went to macs but did nothing much there.
    Headed for MRT station, and then Toa Payoh, and thought of going to United Square for fun, but I was too tired.

    Came home, turned on the PC and Msn, and chat chat chat.
    Then at midnight, my family planned to catch a midnight movie, M:I:III, but my dad wasn't feeling well, so it was post-poned to later this weekend.

    ...till here.